Monday, August 24, 2020

45 Idioms About the Number One

45 Idioms About the Number One 45 Idioms About the Number One 45 Idioms About the Number One By Mark Nichol English is packed with informal articulations highlighting numerical qualities, including handfuls relating to the main alone. Here’s a rundown of most (if not the entirety) of the figures of speech in the last classification. 1. across the board breath: said of something spoken energetically immediately 2. across the board piece: securely 3. all moved up in one: joined 4. across the board: with every single required component 5. as one: as though a gathering were one substance 6. at one with: in understanding or solidarity with another 7: do (somebody) one better: accomplish something that is an enhancement for what another person has done 8. for a certain something: said to present one of at least two reasons (however the expression may follow the announcement) 9. for one: a qualifier communicating that somebody speaks to a model 10. gap in one: said of a huge accomplishment, concerning accomplishing an objective in golf with a solitary hit of the ball 11. in the event that it’s not a certain something: some portion of a maxim (with the rest, â€Å"it’s another (thing)† regularly not said yet inferred) communicated when one is exasperated by the most recent in a progression of burdens 12. in one ear and out the other: said of exhortation or data that isn't regarded or held 13. all at once: at the same time or inside a brief period 14. it’s been one of those days: said when various things have turned out badly in progression 15. it’s only a unique little something: said of something lamentable that must be acknowledged 16â€17. care for/deal with number one: said regarding concentrating on one’s own wellbeing or worries over that of others 18. not one bit: not so much as a piece 19. number one: oneself (see â€Å"look after number one†) 20. from one viewpoint: according to one perspective (once in a while combined with â€Å"on the other hand†) 21. the whole gang: everybody 22. one for the (record) books: said of a critical accomplishment 23. tit for tat: an articulation about the significance of correspondence 24. one-hit wonder: a craftsman who makes just a single business progress 25â€26. one hell/whale of a (something): a reference to somebody being particularly terrible or great at something 27. one out of many: uncommon or special, regularly said about somebody with a particular quality 28â€29. one hop/stride ahead: said of somebody who envisions or advances 30. one man’s meat is another man’s poison: something one individual preferences may not be reasonable for someone else 31. one-night stand: an action or experience that keeps going just a single night 32. one-note: said of something lacking assortment 33. stand-out: one of a kind 34. one of the young men: somebody acknowledged into or part of a gathering 35. sooner or later: said of a normal occasion that will happen some time or another or soon; likewise, once in a while communicated as a danger, with the result inferred yet not expressed 36. a unique little something: said of something unwanted yet inescapable 37. one person’s waste is another person’s treasure: something of no incentive to one individual might be significant to another 38. one that escaped: a botched chance 39. overly fixated point of view: said of somebody with a resolute core interest 40. one-stunt horse: a person or thing with just one distinctive component, expertise, or ability 41. one up on: said of having a preferred position over somebody 42. somehow: some way or another 43. the starting point: the beginning stage of creating something or taking care of an issue (frequently in the expression â€Å"back to square one†) 44. the unparalleled: said of something special 45. there is more than one approach to skin a feline: more than one method will work or more than one arrangement is accessible Other number-arranged figures of speech, including those that notice the main yet in which the emphasis is on another number, for example, â€Å"Two heads are better than one,† will follow in a later post. Need to improve your English in a short time a day? Get a membership and begin getting our composing tips and activities every day! Continue learning! Peruse the Expressions class, check our mainstream posts, or pick a related post below:75 Contronyms (Words with Contradictory Meanings)Time Words: Era, Epoch, and EonLetter Writing 101

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Renaissance Architecture as the Pinnacle of Genius an Example of the Topic Arts Essays by

Renaissance Architecture as the Pinnacle of Genius In spite of the fact that there are numerous incredible workmanship developments, for example, Baroque, Pop Art, Gothic, Avant-Guard, none are all the more striking in design as that of the Renaissance period. With the Renaissance recuperation to magnificence, the shading mix and the nearness of the old style naked consolidated into a great deal of the dcor, it is with the Renaissance craftsmanship time that workmanship history was observer to the most ideal design. The accompanying paper will try to demonstrate this point utilizing the virtuosos of the Renaissance time frame and utilizing their fills in as instances of this proposal. Need paper test on Renaissance Architecture as the Pinnacle of Genius subject? We will compose a custom paper test explicitly for you Continue Michelangelos Sistine Chapel portraying God giving Adam the flash of life is one in which the center of religion is encapsulated in workmanship. There is the disclosure of intensity in the social affair the vaporous being and the commonplace human, and in the shading sense of taste being controlled in the painting the unpretentious tones and the consideration regarding chiaroscuro is the thing that gives the work of art a very Renaissance feel. The watchers consideration is draw towards the body; though strong, it isn't giving indications of muscle to fat ratio, it is workmanship idealized at this time before life, and in the region of contrary energies, this is the thing that Michelangelo needed to catch; the ideal body compared with human feelings; the God body matched with mankind as is expertly made in Sistine Chaple. Our Customers Very Often Tell EssayLab masters: Who needs to compose paper for me? Exposition essayist experts suggest: We Write All Kinds Of Papers Composing Services Cheap Writing Service Reviews Pay For Papers Essay Writing Help Company The utilization of shadows is likewise present in Michelangelos Sistine Chapel, Spark of Life delineation of God and Adam. The surface of this artwork is by all accounts fairly solid in contrast with the ease of oil utilized by da Vinci. Neither craftsman anyway utilized mitigated hues, each own a dynamic quality of the high Renaissance in this conventional utilization of shading mixes. The point of convergence for Michelangelo in this artwork anyway is clearly the essences of Adam and God, both eager as can be found by they way he utilized his featuring focuses and where the unpleasant surface of the artistic creation appears to mollify a piece. The Renaissance was a period of people. The craftsmanship development happened during the 1400s at which time the world was surrendering to extraordinary crimes. The one hundred years war was occurring, the bubonic plague had slaughtered in any event half of the populace among such nations as France, Germany and England, however Italy was saved. Due to Italys political framework, which is a progression of city republic states with not lord, no obvious laborer class, thus there is space for social versatility, and private enterprise has made the way of life a business society. Traders, for example, the Medicis, ran this business society and these conditions set up gives path for the Renaissance. With the end goal for craftsmen to have watched their general surroundings, recreation time more likely than not been sought after and in light of the fact that Italy didn't so completely capitulate to the extraordinary plague, the whole culture was left to thrive. They prospered in all things , for the most part craftsmanship. This time of people took into account independent tycoons who might commission craftsmen to make anything they desired. One of the principle supporters of the Renaissance was the Church. The capacity of a Renaissance craftsman to make and create relied on the guilty pleasure of the magistrate. Accordingly, numerous extraordinary strict works of art were likewise the point of convergence of the craftsman., thus, by watching their general surroundings Renaissance craftsmen made a plenty of strict structures. Michelangelo built The Campidoglio by utilizing the space given to him and starting strong voids, coordinated with horizontals and verticals. This city focus of Rome serves the plan of room. Michelangelo additionally developed St. Dwindles vault. This was at that point, the greatest vault on the planet and still is. Bramante began this compositional structure yet Michelangelo completed it. All together for the huge measure of weight from the vault to be held the craftsman designed twofold sections on the drum and twofold ribs binding together the subject. Not exclusively was the development useful and innovative however the plan despite everything gave recognition to the Church. The highest point of the arch has a cross for Christianity which sits on a globe which speaks to the world. By observing their general surroundings and imagining essential items with which to participate in that world or to improve life, Renaissance specialists demonstrated that development was key in finding the world. Subsequently, the Renaissance didn't just give the world incredible craftsmanship, however the imaginative virtuoso and determination to make extraordinary landmarks and innovations. By basic perception, specialists, for example, Michelangelo and Leonardo could give the world new types of figure, engineering, and structure usage including stupendous scale development, for example, Leonardos connect or even the biggest vault on the planet. Perception is the way to masterful virtuoso, and it is through perception that workmanship and innovation impact. The Renaissance submitted its general direction to the rich types of engineering and magnificence from the Greeks and Romans. The possibility of evenness and shapes and class are staple highlights in Renaissance engineering. Subsequently, a watcher can see a great deal of Rome spoke to in the Renaissance engineering, for example, segments, pediments, curves and arches. It was through Vitruviuss compositions on design that motivated numerous Renaissance specialists to grasp the Roman perfect of excellence, amicability, and balance (Architecture in Renaissance Italy section one). This is Vitruviuss thought of balance as is introduced in Renaissance engineering and conceptualized by Vitruvius in the human body, The estimation relating to the body being assigned by headlengths is stressed by Vitruvius as such, For the human body is so planned naturally that the face, from the jaw to the highest point of the temple and the least foundations of the hair, is a tenth piece of the entire tall ness; the open hand from the wrist to the tip of the center finger is only the sameThe different individuals, as well, have their own even extents, and it was by utilizing them that the celebrated painters and artists of ancient history accomplished extraordinary and interminable eminence (72). A portion of the popular designers of the Renaissance time included Michelangelo, Brunelleschi, Battista Alberti and Palladio. Each had their own style and capacity to build incredible accomplishments of engineering excellence as well as deliver their vision of old style Roman plan with balance as the point of convergence. In spite of the fact that Vitruvius talks about balance his tendency of the term additionally gives breathing space, Therefore, since nature has structured the human body with the goal that its individuals are properly proportioned to the casing all in all, apparently the people of yore had valid justification for their standard, that in impeccable structures the various individuals must be in precise even relations to the entire general plan (73). This is particularly found in Brunelleschis splendid perfect work of art the vault of the Florence Cathedral. Among Brunelleschis other significant achievements and commitments to design is he recharging of the Doric, Io nic and Corinthian sections in their appropriate spots. Another perceived achievement of Brunelleschi is his arrangement of extents; despite the fact that his engineering appears to be easy to the layman, his complexities exist in his utilization of proper estimation prompting agreement in his general structure, for example, the Ospedale degli Innocenti. This particular 3D shape building is flawless in its estimations among segments, and the tallness and space are particularly proportioned (Architecture in Renaissance Italy passage two). Another incredible draftsman of the Renaissance who promotions in withering the rest craftsmanship historys engineering is Alberti. Aberti concentrated in Rome and had a lot of introduction to Vitruviuss theory. Alberti practiced his examination and information with the faade of the Tempio Malatestiano just as the Church of Santa Maria Novella, which as saw as show-stoppers can without much of a stretch be contrasted with Roman sanctuaries, in the faade and the structure and the adherence to the significance Romans had on balance. Alberti utilized segments not only for ornamental purposes as is found in Baroque workmanship and past craftsmanship periods fine art, yet as important segments to his structural plan. The sections were utilized as burden bearing segments. In this way the sections become some portion of the structures steadiness. (Engineering in Renaissance Italy passage three). This paper has demonstrated that Renaissance design is of more prominent gauge than other building periods because of its appearance on Roman balance and flawlessness. The excellence of Renaissance engineering rests with its emphasis on parity and how this parity is found in the smallest of subtleties in the building structure. This evenness is found in the segments, the stature, and the watchers point of view of every one of these things takes into account a total perspective on this impression of excellence regarding building designing. In spite of the fact that craftsmanship history has been conscious of numerous extraordinary imaginative developments, no place is seen the verve, the steadiness, the tastefulness coordinated with unadulterated splendor than in Renaissance engineering. It is with this plan of excellence found in evenness that the genuine postulation of this article is established and demonstrated: Beauty as a type of design in estimation, and the least complex of compositional incorporation of a segment, a space, a vaults weight and clearly of Vitruviuss own coordinating of all of craftsmanship to the balance of the human body; the most flawless type of workmanship. Work Cited Engineering in Renaissance Italy. 2007. On the web. Recovered 18 November 2007. Janson, H.W. and Anthony F. Janson. (1997). History of Art. Fifth Edition Revised. Prentice Hall, Inc., and Harry Ab

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Is Your Anxiety Caused by Panic Disorder

Is Your Anxiety Caused by Panic Disorder Panic Disorder Symptoms Print Is Your Anxiety Caused by Panic Disorder? By Katharina Star, PhD facebook linkedin Katharina Star, PhD, is an expert on anxiety and panic disorder. Dr. Star is a professional counselor, and she is trained in creative art therapies and mindfulness. Learn about our editorial policy Katharina Star, PhD Updated on August 10, 2019 SensorSpot / Getty Images More in Panic Disorder Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Coping Related Conditions Most people feel a certain amount of stress and anxiety in their lives. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. In many situations, feeling a certain level of stress and anxiety can actually help boost your performance in specific contexts. For example, a person may experience a level of anxiety the days leading up to a public speech, marriage, or another big life event. In many situations, a bit of stress and worry can be expected and is considered a perfectly normal reaction. When faced with an upcoming project at work, an important event, or even a blind date, most people will encounter a fleeting sense of nervousness and extra tension. However, persistent and strong feelings of nervousness and anxiety may be a much bigger concern. Anxiety and panicky feelings that linger long after a stressor has passed, or which occur without any clear reason, may indicate that you are struggling with an anxiety disorder. Panic Disorder Feeling panicky doesn’t necessarily mean that you have panic disorder. Feelings of panic and anxiety can vary from person to person. In order for these signs to be considered panic attacks, you must experience at least four of the following physical, mental and emotional symptoms: Numbness or tingling sensationsAccelerated heart rateTrembling and shakingChest painExcessive sweatingShortness of breathNausea or abdominal painFeeling dizzy, lightheaded, unsteady or faintDepersonalization and derealizationFear of losing controlChills or hot flushesFear of dying Panic attacks are the main feature of panic disorder. Attacks associated with this condition occur suddenly without any warning or trigger. They arise seemingly from nowhere, typically reaching a peak in the first 10 minutes and then gradually subsiding. Generalized Anxiety Disorder GAD is marked by unrelenting anxiety that occurs for no known reason. Symptoms of worry and nervousness persist for six months or longer. Feelings of fatigue and irritability, difficulty concentrating, and sleep problems are all common problems for people living with GAD. Specific Phobias Phobias involve a fear of a certain object, place or situation. The feelings of fear the person experiences is excessiveâ€"beyond how most people would react and greater than any actual threat of harm. Many specific phobias have their own names. For example, the fear of flying is known as aerophobia and the fear of spiders is called arachnophobia. When faced with his phobia, a person may recognize that his fear is irrational. However, he will still display extreme reactions and can even potentially have a panic attack. Social Anxiety Disorder SAD involves a fear of being judged by others in social situations. In particular, the person believes he is being negatively evaluated by others. Thinking about being perceived poorly by others only makes the person exhibit more uncomfortable behaviors, such as trembling, sweating, shaking, or blushing. People with SAD often stay away from social events or any situations in which the person may be exposed to the scrutiny of others. Agoraphobia Often occurring with panic disorder, agoraphobia entails a fear of having a panic attack in places or situations that the person may find socially embarrassing or challenging to escape from. To save face or to feel more secure, many agoraphobics exhibit avoidance behaviors. Common avoidances include crowded areas, open spaces, and vehicles of transportation. In some extreme cases, the person is so fearful that she becomes homebound with agoraphobia. Discovering Your Diagnosis Seek professional help if you experience ongoing feelings of stress, worry, fear, or anxiety. Only a doctor or qualified mental health specialist can determine an accurate diagnosis. Once diagnosed, your clinician will review your treatment options. Panic Disorder Discussion Guide Get our printable guide to help you ask the right questions at your next doctors appointment. Download PDF Common treatments for anxiety disorders include prescribed medication, psychotherapy  and self-help strategies. Treatment options and results can vary depending on your symptoms, resources, and level of commitment. Through continued treatment and follow-up, people with anxiety disorders can expect to improve their control over their symptoms.

Friday, May 22, 2020

A Climate Repair Manual, By Gary Stix - 1001 Words

Climate change is an issue that has plagued the minds of humans for centuries. The issue goes back as far as the ancient Greeks, who thought that cutting down forests could lead to more rain. We have always been preoccupied with the topic, and now finally we have evidence that it is in fact happening. We have to work towards lessening the effects that climate change has on our society and combat the reluctance of our government to change our nation’s methods of getting energy. In, â€Å"A Climate Repair Manual,† by Gary Stix, he urges Americans to change their ways and use more renewable sources of energy. Gary Stix calls to Americans to halt global warming. The world is changing and not for the better, he writes â€Å"The Debate on Global Warming is Over† (Stix 46). CO2 levels are higher than they have been in 650,000 years and are projected to only increase at an exponential rate. No one knows exactly when and what will happen, but all scientist can agr ee that it won’t be good. Making a difference in the fight against global warming will require a massive alteration in the entire world’s energy economy. Fossil Fuels account for 80% of the world’s energy and if a â€Å"carbon budget† is put into place then they will be ineffective (Stix 47). We need to begin to make a shift towards more renewable sources of energy, and adopt a system to help regulate the total amount of emissions. These programs will give us a head start on lessening the effects of global warming, but the

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Water Pollution The National Academy Of Sciences

Joseph Forte Professor Birrer Concepts in Biology 25 November 2014 Water Pollution The National Academy of Sciences estimate that around fourteen billion pounds of waste are dumped into the ocean every year (Amaral). That statistic is both disturbing and unacceptable. Not only does that affect the world in which we live in, but it also has an effect on the wildlife and the environment as well. It also shows what kind of people that we are. We are essentially destroying the place that we call home. If we do not take care of our home, who will? We humans need to stop contributing so much to this issue. Water pollution and the factors contributing to it are an ongoing problem that will continue to destroy the environment. We need to act fast†¦show more content†¦Most humans do not care about dumping waste into the water. People do not know the harm they are committing by doing this. Some of the things humans do to contribute to water pollution include ocean dumping, the use of sceptic tanks, underground pipe leakage, and mining. The continued neglect of treatment towards these factors of water pollution will only continue to damage the environment and the world that we live in. But when exactly did water pollution become a major problem? Well water pollution became a major problem during and after the events of the Industrial the Revolution. Factories during this time saw water sources as a cheap and convenient way of disposing waste. These chemicals were released into the ocean, rivers, and even into the ground itself. As a result, many water sources today still contain waste in them. Even today, the release of pollutants into the water has increased enormously. People have started to make man-made industrial products which are even tougher to eliminate. This is mostly due to the fact that most of these pollutants now have slower degradability and a higher toxicity rate (Krautz). These water sources are used for irrigation, our drinking water, and much more. This not only harms our health, but the ecosystem as well. The importance of clean water today is at an all-time high. Water is crucial for all forms of life, humans depend on it and cannot survive without it. In today’s society, people do not realize

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Management and Harbin Engineering University Free Essays

Question1 – Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities, including sports and hobbies. * †¢I am a grade eight pianist and play a number of other musical instruments including guitar and drums. I used to be a member of a band for two years and participated in a number of performances. We will write a custom essay sample on Management and Harbin Engineering University or any similar topic only for you Order Now I successfully organized two Christmas parties for the department when I was in Harbin Engineering University. †¢I enjoy playing basketball, swimming, playing pool as the methods of relaxation. Question2 – What clubs and societies are you a member of and in what capacity? * I worked as a team member of the event management section belonging to the student union of University of Strathclyde. â€Å"Battle of Bands† is one of the event I worked for with five team members to deal with the Finance and Marketing parts. Set up the budget and successfully generated funding from companies. Question3 – What factors have influenced your career choice? I am an enthusiastic team player and appreciate the value of working well with others. I have a natural affinity towards problem solving and enjoy reading and researching developments in the financial industry. During my spare time, I found myself reading and researching stock market data and investing in a portfolio of my own. I was frequently asked to completing tasks at short notice, which required me to have great organizing skill and work well under pressure. My general interest and passion for the industry is one of my principal reasons for pursuing a degree in Finance. Question4 – Outline your career ambitions and objectives. * My short-term objective is to work in a fast growing company which can provide me with great opportunities to add value to the company by using my education and variety of experiences and eventually increase its bottom line. My long-term objective is to become a qualified professional and a considerable manager or leader of the company. On the other hand, I will attain the professional qualifications such as CFA, ACCA, etc. Question5 – At KPMG our global values guide the way that we interact with each other and help to create our open, friendly and supportive culture. Please tell us about a situation where you have used two of KPMG’s values to achieve a positive outcome. * How to cite Management and Harbin Engineering University, Papers

Monday, April 27, 2020

Product Mix and Development Strategies an Example of the Topic Business Essays by

Product Mix and Development Strategies by Expert Marvellous | 22 Dec 2016 Market competition- one of the major problems of most of the companies has been experiencing since their advent. But for the market itself its healthy especially for the consumers (Nichols, 2007). The battle for market dominance and customer loyalty has pushed the industries to their limits to the extent of exploring new things beyond their product lines. Being able to see opportunities in this unstable economic condition that we have for the past few years is really an ability that business minded inpiduals must posses in order to survive to market competition. The fact that there are a lot of companies out there that shut their operations down due to tremendous amount of losses from competing with other companies is something that multinational companies dont want to happen to them. Need essay sample on "Product Mix and Development Strategies" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed A great example for this great battle for market survival is the undying competition between the two of the most successful beverage companies in the country- Pepsi and Coke. This two market leaders of carbonated drinks started their rivalry by the time carbonated drinks starts to become popular in the market. Since then, they become voracious in searching for ways of overtaking one another to attain market dominance and to gain more profit out of their operation to fund their expansion plans. The expansion plans that I am referring here is not expanding the size of their plant size or increasing the number of their production, but rather expanding their product lines in order to give their market with more of different product lines to choose from. With this, they could instill their name into the minds of their target consumers and to give them the impression that they are one who dominates the market. The recent acquisition of Coca Cola Company with Fuze, producer of tea and energy drinks, while Pepsi with Izze, producer of all natural fruit juices, proves that the battle between the said two beverage companies reached up to the extent of exploring the noncarbonated drink industry which at first is not their forte (McKay, 2007). Both Coke and Pepsi believe that they could run over the other by expanding their beverage products to gain more sales and market. Well, that is correct for they would now acquire the sales of these companies that they acquired. But the question is; can they handle the product well? The fact that these two giant companies start acquiring the production of products that are alien to them is something that is mind bugling. Now, one way of determining the capacity of these companies on handling their non-core products is the method called PTSTP which is being used in determining the significance of a certain product to the target consumer. In this regard, we are going to find out if whether Coke and Pepsi will have to use this method or not in obtaining sustainable competitive advantage against their competitors. To start with, let us first examine the current status of these two companies and the market standing of their products against with their competitors as well as on how it performs in the market. This would guide our evaluation in the latter part of this paper. Coca Cola Company Despite the back lags in the economic condition locally and internationally, Coke still manages to hold its position of being the market icon in the beverage industry. This company still comprises the major supply of carbonated drinks not only in the U.S. but also from other countries abroad. So far, they pretty good in handling their carbonated drinks like Coke Diet, Coke Light, Coke Zero and a lot more. In short, they lead the production of carbonated drinks and there is no question about it. But the problem now is their noncarbonated products from the companies that they acquired to expand their product lines from the recent years. It is said that their noncarbonated drinks fell behind of those of Pepsi and that is odd for most of the people are expecting that they would be handling the promotion and improvement of the products that they acquired. This is one of the biggest problems of the CEO of Coke that he has to face with. The idea that they are being overtaken by Pepsi is rea lly an alarming one. It is said that during the first years of exploring noncarbonated beverages as a source of reinforcement to increase their sales and market dominance, Coke execs were skeptical about the said idea and that is the reason why they are the one whos having a hard time of catching to other companies who already mastered the management of products that are of new to them, like Pepsi (Foust, 2004). This serves as the root of their problem with handling their non-core products. We just didnt see the opportunity [of exploring into noncarbonated beverages] is the statement of the president of Philadelphia Coca Cola Bottling Co. according to an article published in a magazine which I find every inexcusable for it is their responsible to always seek for new opportunities in the market if they want to become the market leader in the industry that they belong. This is the reason why Odwalla Inc, Mad River Traders Inc and Barq which were acquired by Coke to enhanced it portfolio starts having a hard time in performing well in the market. If Coca Cola wants to maintain their position on top of the competition, they must try to find a way in making their noncarbonated products to at least appear good in the eyes of their target consumers and find a long term solution to this problem. Pepsi Company Compared to Coke, Pepsi has less sales volume and market shares but they have the capacity to grab market opportunities which Coke was not able to achieve during the previous years. This is the reason why there is no doubt that they are handling their noncarbonated products well which can also be classified as their non-core products since, just like Coke; they are in line with producing carbonated drinks. But the problem that Pepsi is experiencing right now is their lack of sensitivity with regards to the changes in the pattern of tastes of their customers (Brady, 2004). This is the reason why they have been experiencing some losses in terms of sales volumes and revenues for the past years. Even though they have been performing pretty well as compared to Coke, but still, in a macro sense, they have been lacking innovations into their products not just in noncarbonated but also into their core product lines. Innovations are one of the x-factor that customers have been searching in choosing products to purchase. If only Pepsi could posses this quality along side with their other efficient and effective marketing strategies, there is a possibility that they could par with Coke or surpass Coke in the long run. Evaluation Based from the given information and arguments above, I could say that the said two major beverage companies should use PTSTP in order to uplift their performance in terms of promoting their product lines into their target market, may it be their core or non-core products. Product is the main factor in this issue and this element encompasses almost all of the functions that lead to the attainment of sustainable competitive advantage in the market. In the first place it is the prime reason why these companies are operating in the market- to provide products into the market in order to generate profits out of it. Through PTSTP, they would be able to know how customers value their product. Its like, determining the possible importance of this product to their target customers. Like, if whether buying energy drink is more important than buying fruits in the market. Pepsi and Coke must be able to know if whether their energy drink would make an impact on the demands of their target customers. If they found out that their product do not have any value to their customers, then, search for flaws in your product that makes it less valuable to their customers. Im pretty sure that Coke and Pepsi did not have enough market study regarding the market status of the product lines that they are acquiring today which is pretty obvious in the current performance of their noncarbonated products. PTSTP would guide Coke and Pepsi in assessing products that they will plan to acquire in the near future or would guide them in developing new product lines. PTSTP somehow similar in determining the willingness to pay of a customer to a certain product, like, if the customer say that he/she is willing to pay $100 for your product and you only spend $40 in producing a unit of your good, then, more or less you already have the idea how your target customers value your product since they are willing to pay high in order to purchase and consume your product. References Brady, D. (2004). Pepsis Thousand and One Noshes- How it deftly adapts products to changing consumer tastes. Retrieved October 20, 2007 Foust, D. (2004). Things Go Better WithJuice. Retrieved October 20, 2007 McKay, B. (2007, February 2). Coke Buys Fuze to Light up Its Lineup. Wall Street Journal. Pg. B.3 Nichols, M. (2007). Four Reasons to thank the Competition. Retrieved October 20, 2007