Friday, May 22, 2020

A Climate Repair Manual, By Gary Stix - 1001 Words

Climate change is an issue that has plagued the minds of humans for centuries. The issue goes back as far as the ancient Greeks, who thought that cutting down forests could lead to more rain. We have always been preoccupied with the topic, and now finally we have evidence that it is in fact happening. We have to work towards lessening the effects that climate change has on our society and combat the reluctance of our government to change our nation’s methods of getting energy. In, â€Å"A Climate Repair Manual,† by Gary Stix, he urges Americans to change their ways and use more renewable sources of energy. Gary Stix calls to Americans to halt global warming. The world is changing and not for the better, he writes â€Å"The Debate on Global Warming is Over† (Stix 46). CO2 levels are higher than they have been in 650,000 years and are projected to only increase at an exponential rate. No one knows exactly when and what will happen, but all scientist can agr ee that it won’t be good. Making a difference in the fight against global warming will require a massive alteration in the entire world’s energy economy. Fossil Fuels account for 80% of the world’s energy and if a â€Å"carbon budget† is put into place then they will be ineffective (Stix 47). We need to begin to make a shift towards more renewable sources of energy, and adopt a system to help regulate the total amount of emissions. These programs will give us a head start on lessening the effects of global warming, but the

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