Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Determinate Sentencing, Impacts, and Recent Trends

Determinate Sentencing, Impacts, and Recent Trends Table of Contents Introduction: 3 Determinate Sentencing: 3 Impact on Probationary Terms: 4 Reasons for choosing mandatory minimum jail and prison sentences: 4 Role of Mandatory Sentences in Reducing Recidivism: 5 Conclusion: 6 References: 6 Introduction: The legal system is reliant on two different approaches for sentencing the offenders. The determinate and indeterminate sentencing is discussed in detail. The recent trend towards determinate sentencing and their impacts are also elaborated. The reasons for choosing determinate sentencing and its role in reducing recidivism are also discussed in the following sections. The political influence on these changes has also brought it in public domain and several opinions in favor and against prevail in the ordinary public as well as the legal practitioners. Determinate Sentencing: The term of imprisonment is applicable for the convicted criminals in consideration with the legal requirements. The judges are entitled to impose a term for imprisonment applicable according to the legal findings and committed crime under the law. The number of years imposed by the judge is referred to determine sentence. Since 20th century the legal system incorporated the jurisdiction of judges to impose particular number of years for imprisonment. The determine sentencing was fully enacted in four U.S. states since 1977 (Neubauer Fradella, 2010). On the contrary through late 1970sShow MoreRelatedIndeterminate And Determinate Sentencing Guidelines2978 Words   |  12 PagesIndeterminate and Determinate sentencing are contentious issues impacting the manner in which justice is metered out. Supporters and critics challenge the effectiveness and fairness of either structure. Indeterminate sentencing sets minimum and maximum parameters on respective punishments. 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Canada is a country where rehabilitation has been a formal part of sentencing and correctionalRead MoreEssay on The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison12486 Words   |  50 PagesGET RICHER AND THE POOR GET PRISON: Ideology, Class and Criminal Justice, 5th Edition,  © 1998, pp. 101–148. Adapted by permission of Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. 1 2 The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison rocketed in recent years, rising way out of proportion to drug arrests for whites— though research shows no greater drug use among blacks than among whites. However, drug arrests are most easily made in â€Å"disorganized inner-city† areas, where drug sales are more likelyRead MoreCRJ 110 Final Exam3676 Words   |  15 PagesA) Deterrence is a hallmark of modern neoclassical thought. In contrast to early thinkers, however, today’s neoclassical writers distinguish between deterrence that is specific and that which is general. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

The Most Fundamental Part Of Interpersonal Communication

First impressions are probably the most fundamental part of interpersonal communication, as it sets the tone for the rest of the time that you talk to the other person. I have the hardest time meeting new people because of this; I spend way too much time worrying about if I am making a good impression. I even go out of my way, so I don’t have to meet new people, because leaving a good first impression is so important to me. I just want everyone to like me, and I know that it unrealistic, but that’s just how I have always been. People have always associated me as being weird or quiet, and I can attest that social anxiety is to blame, but I am getting better. I’ve learned to just force myself to talk to people, explaining my situation, that†¦show more content†¦I’ve never been truly diagnosed, but reading up on it, I definitely have some sort of social anxiety. I’ve always been reassured by my mother, and other people that I am an outgoing pe rson, but on the inside, that is that exact opposite of what I feel. According to the University Of Rochester Medical Center, there are many symptoms of social anxiety, some of these include â€Å"being very anxious about being with other people and having a hard time talking to them, even though they wish they could, being very self-conscious in front of other people and feeling embarrassed, and being very afraid that other people will judge them† (Social Phobia). I can affirm these symptoms because I feel all of them. I feel uncomfortable around other people because I always feel as if they are judging every little thing I do, even though I know they most likely aren’t doing so. I feel a great amount of stress when I talk to people; I always feel as if I am being criticized, or judged by the other person. For example, when I’m in a conversation with someone, I always think that they are condemning me, or their nonverbal communication sends me a message that th ey don’t like me, or are just overall criticizing me. People with social anxiety have an irrational fear of talking to people or social situations, and that’s exactly what it is: Irrational. People with social anxiety place way

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Free Finance Dissertation Topics Free Essays

1.0. Introduction The aim of this guide is to assist in selecting a finance dissertation topic and to provide practical advice on how to go about writing a dissertation. We will write a custom essay sample on Free Finance Dissertation Topics or any similar topic only for you Order Now Finance dissertations incorporate numerous topics covering various aspects of financial management issues. Typically, writing a finance dissertation involves questions such as how to report the features of the design and how to adequately report research results. Consequently, the latter part of the guide serves as a handy reference source to navigate the writer through the process. 2.0. Categories and dissertation titles 2.1. Corporate Finance 2.1.1. An assessment of capital structure and corporate governance. Are differences in banking capital structure traceable to differences in quality of corporate governance in banks? 2.1.2. Integrating options theory in capital budgeting for innovation management. A case study of the oil and gas industry 2.1.3. An assessment of mergers and acquisitions in the Indian pharmaceutical industry. A focus on consolidation process and firm performance 2.1.4. An evaluation of risk management and corporate strategy in low budget airlines. A case study of Easyjet 2.1.4. Examining the impact of taxes on dividend policy. A study of the Ghanaian banking industry 2.2. Investment and Portfolio Management 2.2.1. An assessment of strategic portfolio management for analysing and improving overall asset value. A case study of the petroleum industry 2.2.2. Investigating term structure of volatility in the stock market of developing countries. A case study of Nigeria 2.2.3. A study of Management techniques for exchange rate exposure. Exchange rate risks through hedging from the perspective of UK-based investors investing in the USA. 2.2.4. Using the Capital Asset Pricing Model for performance evaluation in portfolio management. Analysing market microstructure effects on modelling Russian stock returns 2.2.5. A study of mean-variance portfolio theory: An assessment of Barclays international banking 2.3. International Financial Management 2.3.1. Measuring International financial management and profitability of SMEs in South Korea. A quantitative study 2.3.2. An analysis of foreign exchange rate management in multinational corporations: Foreign exchange rate management by the Japanese automotive industry 2.3.3. Assessing firm methods of determining the effectiveness of managing operational and economic risk. A case study of international Swiss banking 2.3.4. An analysis of the role of culture in effective operational risk management. A case study of the South African financial sector 2.3.5. Examining determinants of profitability in the European banking sector: A study of financial regulation and ownership issues 2.4. Business Continuity and Crisis Management 2.4.1. An evaluation of strategic contingency planning models for emergency management and business continuity in the UK banking sector 2.4.2. An examination of the 1997 Asian financial crisis and restructuring measures implemented by Singaporean business groups for future crisis management 2.4.3. An analysis of financial planning and budgeting for natural disasters. A study of hurricane prone states in the USA 2.4.4. A study of banking governance failures of the 2008 financial crisis in the UK and USA. An empirical study of lessons from the crisis 2.4.5. A study of shareholder perspective on business continuity and crisis management. Shareholder response to the 2008 financial crisis 2.5. Financial Planning and control 2.5.1. An evaluation of the benefits and problems associated with traditional budgeting in the UK manufacturing industry. A critical review of the literature 2.5.2. An analysis of financial planning and control in the airline industry. A case study of Emirates and Air France 2.5.3. A study of budgeting as a control tool in Nigerian SMEs. A quantitative study 2.5.4. An analysis of budgetary control and organisational culture on organisational performance. A case of study IT projects in the UK e-commerce industry 2.5.5. Evaluating financial planning control effectiveness in multinational corporations. A case study Coca cola 3. How to Structure a Finance Dissertation, Tips For details on how to structure your finance dissertation, kindly check out the following post: How to Structure a dissertation (chapters) How to structure a dissertation (chapters and subchapters) How to structure a dissertation research proposal How to cite Free Finance Dissertation Topics, Essays

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Marketing Plan For New Dawn Celebrations †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Marketing Plan For New Dawn Celebrations. Answer: Introduction This report is based on the design of the marketing and promotion plan for the event organized by the New Dawn communities in Adelaide, Australia. The expected audience in the event is around 150,000. This is one of the largest events happening in the state. This is not a high budget event; however it happens on a large scale. There are many other regional events that take place in the city at the same time. This report is based on the marketing and promotion plan of the event. The marketing strategy of this event is discussed in detail. This strategy will help to promote the event in the city as well as in the remote areas. This will help in communicating the event to the target audience, so that more and more people can be attracted towards the celebrations. The outcomes of the marketing strategy taken into account are discussed in detailed in the report (Armstrong et al., 2014). Further, a message will be provided in the report regarding the marketing plan. The main objective of this report is to develop a successful marketing plan to promote the event in such a manner so that it attracts audience not only from the city, also from the remote areas (Bondar et al., 2012). Detailed plan for the promotion for the event Marketing strategy for New Dawn Celebration An event can be used as a communication tool to connect with a vast number of people. The New Dawns event celebration in this will help connecting with many people and communities together. Events industry is a large and expanding area where all types of activities can be performed including arts, sports and music (Castronovo Huang, 2012). The New Dawns celebration is a cultural event of the New Dawn community. The events industry is large and involves a vast number of people. This industry is unique and the marketing and promotional strategies in this industry are different. The size of the audience of this industry is large and due to this, the marketing strategy is also different. The marketing communication strategy that is designed for the event promotion needs to be integrated (Constantinides, 2014). Marketing communication The process of communication can be defined as the way by which the thoughts about a particular subject are conveyed and thereby the meaning of the message can be shared in an effective manner (Sharples, 2014). The marketing and promotion of an event depends highly on the communication, which can either be direct with the help of providing information to the potential customers about the product thereby creating an image of the product or with the help of feedback or research. The communications related to marketing mainly deals with the marketing mix of the brand or product that helps in exchanging ideas or information about the brand (Hollensen, 2015). Marketing communication plan including marketing strategy The process of planning of the marketing plan is important for the product, so that it can gain the advantage over the other products in the market. This planning helps in managing the risks involved in the process and thereby the returns can be analyzed. In this case, the promotional and marketing process of the event needs to be planned keeping in mind the audience and the factors related to the event (Killian McManus, 2015). There is a specific framework on the planning of the marketing communication, which is as follows, Analysis of the context Positioning and marketing objectives Developing the promotional mix Implementation of the plan Evaluation of the performance of the plan (Ryan, 2016). The process of planning of marketing communications includes the following steps, Analysis of the situation This step is the initial stage in which the current position of the market is analyzed. The stakeholders of the organization are analyzed so that it the decision can be made based on the people with whom the communication is to be done. The activities of the competitors are analyzed. In this case, the planning of the promotion of the event is done based on the area in which the event is being organized and the people taking part in the event (Thomas Peterson, 2017). The main objective of the marketing plan is to set. This objective is based on the awareness of the brand or the product that is being promoted and the response of the consumers. In this case, the objective of the marketing plan is to attract the people from the city towards the event (Yeoman et al., 2012). Target setting The target audience of the marketing plan are set in this stage. The marketing plan and the process related to marketing are based mainly on the target audience of the plan. In this case, the target audiences are the people from the main city. The reason being that the event is mainly organized between the people of the New Dawns community (Armstrong et al., 2014).. The positioning of the brand in the market is important to ensure its success. This mainly refers to the image the brand has created in the minds of the consumers. In the same way, the message strategy is applied to communicate with the consumers through a specific message related to the promotional activities (Bondar et al., 2012). Methods adopted in the promotion and media strategies The methods related to the promotion of the promotion is the most important part of the marketing plan. The methods that are decided in the marketing plan of The New Dawn celebrations include, hoardings in the prime locations, distribution of flyers in the main city area and social media marketing. Social marketing includes platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn (Castronovo Huang, 2012). The marketing plan for the New Dawns event has several outcomes. Events are tools that can help in achieving marketing objectives in a vast area. The planning of the marketing activities in an event is important, the reason being that an event is a huge platform that can be used to establish successful relationships between a group of individuals. The communication that can be achieved in an event is huge (Constantinides, 2014). However, there are many difficulties related to this, which includes the targeting of the correct group of people or audience. In this case, the marketing plan provided for the New Dawns can have several outcomes, which include, the building of relationships between the people of the main city and the remote areas. The event will also be broadcasted in the remote areas with the help of internet facilities. This will help the people of the remote areas to be a part of the event even if is not being able to participate in person (Hollensen, 2015). Target audience The people of the main city The sponsors of the event, including the government and corporates The chief guests, including government delegates (Killian McManus, 2015) Message for the event The message of a marketing communication plan provides the statement related to the positioning of the brand in the market (Thomas Peterson, 2017). The message for the New Dawns statewide celebrations would be Experiencing the New Dawns culture in Adelaide. This message will create an impression in the minds of the people who are interested in attending the celebrations. Conclusion The report can be concluded by stating that the detailed marketing plan including the marketing strategy, objectives of the marketing plan, setting the targets, positioning of the event in the market and the message related to the positioning and the methods adopted in the promotional activity is provided in the analysis. The New Dawns celebration can be promoted using the marketing plan provided in the report analysis. References Armstrong, G., Adam, S., Denize, S., Kotler, P. (2014).Principles of marketing. Pearson Australia. Bondar, I., Yelizarov, I., Mazurenko, N., Melnikova, I. (2012). INNOVATIVE MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS. Castronovo, C., Huang, L. (2012). Social media in an alternative marketing communication model.Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness,6(1), 117. Constantinides, E. (2014). Foundations of social media marketing.Procedia-Social and behavioral sciences,148, 40-57. Hollensen, S. (2015).Marketing management: A relationship approach. Pearson Education. Killian, G., McManus, K. (2015). A marketing communications approach for the digital era: Managerial guidelines for social media integration.Business Horizons,58(5), 539-549. Ryan, D. (2016).Understanding digital marketing: marketing strategies for engaging the digital generation. Kogan Page Publishers. Sharples, L. (2014).Strategic event creation. P. Crowther, D. May, C. Orefice (Eds.). Goodfellow Publishers. Thomas, D. C., Peterson, M. F. (2017).Cross-cultural management: Essential concepts. Sage Publications. Yeoman, I., Robertson, M., Ali-Knight, J., Drummond, S., McMahon-Beattie, U. (Eds.). (2012).Festival and events management. Routledge.